A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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What I read in 2018


1. Unwrapping the Names of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu – I haven’t finished this one, but even though it’s an advent book, it’s on the characteristics of God and I think can be encouraging all year!

2. This is Marketing by Seth Godin – This one either! But it’s already encouraging me to focus and niche down and remember that we are selling to PEOPLE! 😉

3. *Switch on Your Brain by Caroline Leaf – I think everyone needs to read this book. We have no idea how much control we have over our thoughts. This was super empowering and life-changing.

4. Atomic Habits by James Clear – I’ve read on habits before but this was full of new things I’d never heard before and really practical. I’m working on implementing many of the points in my life in 2019.

5. *It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee – I picked this up because it was written by a friend who’s writing I just love to read but the topic was amazingly what I needed to hear without even knowing it.

6. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks – This was about adjusting our thoughts and not placing limiting thoughts on ourselves that keep us from our “zone of genius”. It’s a little woo-woo but the majority of the points, I could see rooted in truth. If you can filter and discern things well as you read, it could encourage you.

7. *Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton – If you are curious what silence and solitude looks like, this book is for you. If you want a primer on the topic, check out this blog post!

8. *Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer – Highly recommend this book! All about how to hear God.

9. How to Pray by C.S. Lewis – More on prayer! 🙂 Can you tell I’ve been prepping for our prayer course coming in January??

10. Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith – This book was so good to read this year. There are so many different types of rest that we need, not just sleep and it was great to be able to recognize what we need more breaks from. For me, sensory overload was huge.

11. No Limits by John Maxwell – I actually didn’t finish this one but I still love John Maxwell. I honestly felt like I needed less to-do points and this book included a lot. Might be good for me in another season.

12. The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch – Great book on approaching technology as a family beyond the basics.

13. None Like Him by Jen Wilkin – This book helped me KNOW God better. I don’t feel like you can say that about many books but Jen did such a great job opening my eyes to God in a new way.

14. *How to Break Up With Your Phone by Catherine Price – I found this book in an Atlanta gift shop and it came at just the right time. It was actually while I was writing our Social Media Detox. This book is super practical and informative.

15. Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney – This was a technique to praying the Bible. I didn’t love it.

16. *Blue Ocean Shift by W. Chan Kim and Renee’ Mauborgne – Dense dense book but instrumental in shifting our business mindset this year.

17. The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber – A book I think all business owners should read! Still working on implementing everything.

18. The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus – If you are feeling stuck or like you’re playing it safe, this book will encourage you to live fully.

19. Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen – I love Jennie’s take on anything. I try to prove myself so much. This book felt like I was lightening the weight off my shoulders.

20. Finish by Jon Acuff – Super practical book on how to finish goals. Jon is funny too. This was an easy read and very motivating.

21. 2 Second Lean by Paul Akers – This book is about making 2-second improvements that could change your life. I read it with my business in mind but it could apply to everyday life too.

22. The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines – Loved hearing the backstory of Magnolia! I think we all think they struck gold or got lucky but they worked so hard to get where they are. Very encouraging story about the risks it takes to make dreams come true!

23. Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp – A very practical book on raising kids. I will likely reference this book many times as our girls get older.

24. *Soul Keeping by John Ortberg – One of my very favorite books of the year! All about slowing down and focusing on what’s happening inside of us instead of just focusing on what we do.

25 – 30. Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday – No joke. Ok, I felt like I read a TON this year and wondered why I didn’t hit my goal. This right here is why! 🙂 I am not complaining! It’s crazy how much this message is transforming my motherhood with each time I read it!

31 – 33. Fresh Start for Moms – Same here. I didn’t read it quite as many times but suffice to say, where I lacked in books on motherhood, I made up for it with these two.


Also, I’m doing a little video series on how to jumpstart your prayer life in 2019 starting TODAY on YouTube! Check out today’s video here!


My 2018 Goals Recap

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