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House prayers worksheet

3.22.2017 • 9 Comments

I remember when Vana was just 6 weeks old and we found out Pappi’s cancer was terminal, we did a lot of bouncing and walking around the house and a lot of praying for Pappi, Mimi, Tyler and his siblings…a miracle. I felt a bit helpless to do anything else, but was quickly reminded that prayer is not something we just do when we can’t do anything else. 

Prayer is the front line, the first defense – not a last resort.

Ephesians 6:12 says For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

We forget that there is a spiritual battle happening all around us. We fight against the physical things we see and get frustrated because we feel like we are working hard but spinning our wheels. I have to tell myself to stop striving and remember the spiritual battle that God fights for us.

So here we were in June feeling such a heaviness in our home that had actually shown up months before Pappi got sick, but reached an understandably new level of heaviness and sadness. 

My hope was for our home to be a refuge for my husband. He’s the oldest sibling and I know he was feeling the weight of stepping up and being strong for everyone else. So I just started physically praying over our home. I walked from room to room praying as I rocked our sweet newborn.

If I’m being honest, I felt very repetitive praying the same 5 things because I was doing so much praying those days. Walking from room to room got me thinking creatively about what to pray for. I was no longer praying for the same things that I always prayed for. In the kitchen, I prayed for healthy choices and tastebuds for my toddler. In the dining room, I prayed for friendships and the people that came into our lives. In the bathroom, I prayed for self-care and in the laundry room, I prayed for joy as I served my family. 

My prayer life came alive in a new way. 

I was praying for more things and in turn, seeing God work in so many more areas of my life. 

As Vana has gotten older and no longer requires me to bounce her to sleep, I have missed this time. Though I have tried to incorporate it somehow, it never happens. Recently, I got serious about doing this again and decided to pray through my home as I do chores. I feel like I spend so much time tidying up little things and although I’d love to be that mom who is fine with everything a complete mess, the clutter in my home clutters my soul. So instead, I’m going to redeem that time with prayer. 

I created a worksheet that you can download with different areas of your home (i.e. living room, porch, bedrooms, etc) and ideas for different things to pray for in each room. There are also blank spaces to add your own requests. An example of what I pray for in the living room: 1. The people we will invite into our home. 2. Being present around my spouse and kids 3. Sharing with siblings 4. The influences we let in (i.e. TV, books) 5. Joy and laughter to fill our home.

house prayers worksheetThis isn’t an exhaustive list but something to get you thinking differently as you walk the rooms of your home.

  • My hope is that it will create a passion in you to bring everything to the Lord in prayer.
  • My hope is that it will help you to live in the presence of the Lord knowing He is everywhere and always accessible.
  • My hope is that it will transform tasks of dread into Kingdom work.
  • My hope is that you won’t feel helpless in the home, but that you will know you are on the front line.
  • My hope is that after looking at the list or hanging it somewhere in your home, you will make the bed and instantly think to pray for restful sleep, romance or connectedness with your spouse. 

Sign up HERE to download this 3-page PDF and start praying creatively through your home! You will also begin receiving Val’s Monthly Peptalk, a list of her current favorites + shop updates and a coupon code.

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Comments (18)

Hey Val, I am truly Southern, born and bred , too!!! I was saved at 12 years old and was called to be a nurse and Christian Mom and Grandmom. I have failed many times and God forgave me and took me back to Him. I weep when I think for my failures and rejoice when I think of God's grace and forgiveness. I truly love the Lord , and HE is always there listening to me and hearing my pleas. I cant wait to get my prayer journal and start using it! Thank yall for ALL you do!! BTW I am now retired after 40 years of nursing but still very active in 42 years of being a Mom and Grandmom!!!

Hi Val, I’m trying to download the House Prayers but can’t seem to figure it out…..? Hoping you can help me out. It says to sign up below to the 3 page pdf but there is no place to sign up below. I did sign up for the 31 day prayer challenge and received it via email, I am very excited to start and share this and I hope I will be able to start the House Prayers as well. I am a stay home mom of 3 young boys and I have really been struggling with clutter in our home…..I can’t seem to find balance between time with my boys and keeping a clean house.

So sorry about that! Here is the updated link: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62be067e9a5e3ba0c74cfd3a

So sorry about that! Here is the updated link: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62be067e9a5e3ba0c74cfd3a

Ah! Sorry about that Courtney!! We’ll get that emailed to you and fix the page too. Thanks for letting us know!

I love your prayer journal but I would really prefer it book bound. I like working in them so much more without spiral and they look so much better archived on the shelf. I would love for you to consider offering a different binding. Thanks, God bless, Bonnie

Thanks for your input Bonnie!! We just debuted an option on Amazon that’s book bound! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZCQSD3D?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860

Thank you Val! I am 74 and never thought about praying over my house.
I am looking forward to using my2019 Prayer Journal and any of your postings on prayer.
Wish I had things like this when my kids were living at home but I know it is never too late to start.
Thank you for all your ideas about prayer. I’m not too old to learn.
Blessings to you!

I’ve tried to sign up to receive the password to use some of your resources a few times with no luck—any suggestions? Thanks!

Valerie, have you heard the album You Are The Avalanche by John Mark & Sarah McMillan? I am sure you have but if not, I suggest you listen to Sarah’s beautiful voice as she sings prayers she developed as she went around the house doing housework. They are wonderful. And thanks for all you do!

I love the boldness you write with to open eyes to what’s happening around and what we can do to change the atmosphere. <3