A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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Val Marie Paper Launches Today!

9.5.2012 • 1 Comment

Thrilled doesn’t not even begin describe how ecstatic I am that today is finally here!…So I’ll let this picture tell you! ; )

We celebrated the launch with a party last night at The French Press. It was so amazing to spend the evening enjoying a huge milestone on this journey and getting to celebrate with so many of those who have encouraged me and supported me. I  also had the chance to meet so many of you I’ve only had the opportunity to interact through the web until now! The collection was unveiled to such great reviews! These photos were taken by Jason Cohen. I can’t wait to share all the photos of our guests!!

And TODAY, our new website VALMARIEPAPER.COM and shop are live for EVERYONE to see! I’ve designed 20 wedding suites (17 brand new and three returning favorites), 10 baby announcements and 10 holiday cards that I truly hope you love.

Take a few moments to click around the website to see all we have to offer, the new designs, a new program for wedding planners and even why the little arrows incorporated into the brand are oh so special to me!

And what would an exciting launch be without a few giveaways!?!

We’ve got two ways to win two gift cards. One for $200 (!!) and one for $50! We want to know your favorites!


Design a pinterest board of inspiration with the palette around one of the designs in our new collection. Create your board by midnight Sept. 10 and call your board “Val Marie Paper Contest.”  On Sept. 11, I’ll share all the boards on the blog. Voters, your job is to like the invitation on the board you like best! The designer with the most likes by Sept. 17 will receive a $200 giftcard for their first VMP order!  I cannot wait to see what dreamy boards y’all come up with!! I had so much fun creating my own as a sample! See it here!


Help us share our big news! ReTweet about the launch, share your favorite design or Follow us on Twitter, Share on Facebook or Like our Val Marie Paper page. Each counts as an entry to win our $50 gift card for your first VMP order! A winner will be chosen at random on September 11.

I’m thrilled for this new chapter and excited to share in it with you!!

Val Marie

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