A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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Social Media Detox

11.17.2020 • 1 Comment

Social Media Detox | Val Marie Paper, prayer journal, ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, social media detox, phone detox, challenge

One more episode.

A little scrolling after a long day at work.

A quick check of my calendar and while I’m at it… I should get to those emails.

The draw of my phone is a constant battle for my attention. A productivity device, reminding me of all the boxes I need to check before the day is done. My map to get to work. My Bible. My camera. My connection to the world. A refuge I turn to when I feel the need to escape, to relax, or to just kill a few minutes.

Then 2020 happened.  And with it came an influx of new information. Information vital to helping us make informed decisions. Do we send our kids back to school or not? How do we safely buy groceries? How can we contribute to positive change in our country? Slowly, over the course of the year, my phone usage has dramatically increased, to a number I feel embarrassed to admit. Under the pretense of staying informed, of course. 😉 

But if you’re anything like me, you assumed these newsworthy topics would have an end date. Yet, Covid is still here. Political unrest lingers. And my news outlet is still filled to the brim with talk of the election. And the mental fatigue has grown. If I can be honest, what started out as hours of reading articles, listening to experts, and research, has morphed into mindless scrolling, deep-diving the decisions and opinions of those I love and follow, as well as a good Netflix-binge here and there.  I don’t know about you, friend, but at the end of the day, I just feel exhausted. Not refreshed. 

  • Are you pulled to check your phone every time you hear that ding?
  • Is the constant information leaving you feeling exhausted and drained?
  • Are your real-life relationships in need of refreshment?
  • Have you ever thought, “I wish I used my phone less.”?

We don’t have to be tethered to our phones, even if the world tells us we should be. Our phones can be used as a tool that fits into spaces of our lives that we intentionally carve out.

Want some motivation to help you finally make the change you’re longing for?


I know you don’t want to, and when you do, the number you see might make you squirm like it made me. But you can’t make a plan to conquer your phone usage until you actually know how much time you’re spending on your phone. Instead of feeling shame, let this number be the fuel to your fire, motivating you to make a real change toward detoxing from your phone.

Not sure how to do this? Here’s how to find your stats on an iPhone or Android.


Did that number give you the kick in the pants you needed? Us too. :/ If you’re ready to live free from the hold of your phone, join our 5-day social media detox. This is more than just your typical Instagram fast, each day helps you think through why you struggle with your phone usage and what you can implement into your life to create healthy boundaries. We’re not against social media altogether, we’re against the obsession with it that causes unrest in our relationships, spiritual life, and personal health.

Sign up below to finally start using your phone less!

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Comments (2)

I would like to 'detox' from my phone. Is it possible to still sign up for the 5 day detox? Also at some point I had seen a post about 'boxes' that could be used for those devises to 'lock away'. What product was that?

Thank you in advance for your response.

/Joan from Canada

Joan! So sorry about that! The forms didn't migrate with the new site but I just updated and it's at the end of the post now! I hope it's helpful! The box and app is Aro!!