A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


September Goals


It’s time to jump into to fall (according to the calendar, not hot and humid Louisiana weather! 😉 and for some reason, that fresh school supply feel is affecting me, even if I’m not cracking open a new notebook. The last few days, I have been more motivated than I have been in a while and part of me wonders if it doesn’t have a little something to do with refreshing my goals for this year and pruning them from 10 to 6. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a lot planned, actually 12 goals this month which is more than usual but I feel like my efforts are going further for each of my goals, even if it is slightly fewer, and that is so motivating!

And I have been loving FB Live! Tomorrow I’ll be sharing about the system I use to pray, I’m not just talking about the journal but the monthly format, how I use it and why it works and even some tips of how you can use it without the journal. Join in here Wednesday at 9:45 Central!

So here are my refreshed goals!

  1. To live in the presence of the Lord
  2. To have said of me by my husband: She was delighted. Not hard to make happy.
  3. To shepherd Vivi and Vana’s heart.
  4. To steward VMP with heart surrendered and eyes heavenward.
  5. To marvel at what my body can do instead of be discouraged by it.
  6. To manage our home with the same diligence and care I give to VMP.

But I’ll back up now and give a recap of last month’s goals.


1. Launch pre-orders well. Well means a whole list of things. That the process would be smooth for customers and they would feel loved and served through any interaction. That we’d hit our sales goals. That we’d do so with humble hearts. Holy cow y’all. Above and beyond. We made a huge goal that I was kind of embarrassed to make because I thought it was too much to ask and we actually did double that! The process was smooth and prep went really well. I DID accidentally go live on FB and then forget to record but we made a new one that was probably smoother since it took two! 😉 If you haven’t ordered your yearly yet, order now right here (or if you are on the fence, read up about them here)! We already sold what we had originally planned for our full order this year. We were able to get more but not as much as we need. It likely won’t last until the end of the year list last year. 

2. Plan fun Saturdays as a family. Full disclosure. Our weekends have been boring lately. We put a lot into our work so planning adventures for our family takes a back seat sometimes. We tend to make Saturdays a chore day after a long week and we need a little spice in our life. We did this! Yay!! Some were by default like a fun party but most we intentionally planned! 😉

3. Meditate on verses daily. I have done this a few different months and the connection I have with Jesus in those seasons is like an old friend who is never more than a “hey God!” away. I know that God is always that close but many times I create a distance and keeping the lines of communication open throughout the day by meditating on His Word is transforming. I didn’t do this every day obviously but did it more often than before! If you are a busy more or really any busy person, I have a new product coming that will help you do this! Everyone is always asking me how to fit prayer into our busy lives and throughout our day and this product will help do just that!

4. Launch giving project. We’ve got something fun planned for back-to-school for our Picot Kids. We didn’t get the info we needed about this but are hoping to have a few fun projects throughout the school year to share more about our Picot kids!

5. Foam Roller Challenge. A customer shared three products that have changed her life recently, our journal, something else and this book. It might sound silly but knowing how much the prayer journals have changed me, I trusted this gal’s other suggestions! I quit this after a few days! I had some health issues this month (nothing major) but I wasn’t sure if this contributed. I don’t think it did and will be trying this again soon!

6. Buy gifts for friends. Lots of big events for some of my friends this month. I’m TERRIBLE at buying gifts or remembering birthdays even but I’d love to love on my friends more this month! Fail fail fail. In my defense, two babies came early! 😉

7. Post daily routine somewhere. I have a pretty standard list of things that I can do each day that will make for a good day. I’ve shared it here before. BUT I don’t really have an updated list posted anywhere so that I’ll actually do it. This goal is simple but I think it will make a big difference in my days! Yes!! I actually posted it to Trello. I’m planning to share a post about how I use Trello because I’m kinda obsessed.

8. Set up automatic savings. Basic and honestly, how do we not already have this set up? It’s freaking 2017? I still didn’t do it. And although I really want to figure this out, our paychecks don’t fall every two weeks to where we can draw from savings like clockwork. I just need to spend a bit more time figuring this out.

9. Lots of grace and giggles. Get intentional about a joy-filled home. I have said it a thousand times, a house with 3 girls means emotions are always high, good or bad. I’m actually trying to read Shepherding a Child’s Heart thismonth so hopefully that helps with the grace and we figured out how to set up Spotify on our TV (again, it’s 2017) so that should help with lots of dancing and giggles! Also, I’ve gotten out of the habit of doing my house prayers but I’m amping that up this month too any time I clean. I couldn’t describe August any better. It was full of lots of grace and giggles. The first few days of September however… : |


1. Have 5 minutes of daily silence & solitude. Stress played a definite factor in my health issues last month so I wanted to add in more silence to my month. If you aren’t sure what that really looks like, check out this old post! I reread it to prep for this month and forgot a lot of techniques I shared!

2. Support Tyler well before, during & after Ragin Games. This is our local Crossfit competition and Tyler is really excited about it! I want to make sure I only add enthusiasm and support to this instead of complaining about any extra time away!

3. Plan anniversary. We hit 7 years on September 25! 😉 Any ideas? We are headed to New Orleans in a few weeks after for a show Tyler got me tickets to for my birthday so we’ll stay in town for this but would love to hear unique ways to celebrate.

4. Put prayers for girls in Nozbe. I shared how I did this with prayers for Tyler and added prayers for me after reading The Power of a Praying Woman in the winter. Ever since I finished The Power of a Praying Parent, I’ve been wanting to add these! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out this video!  

5. Plan party for Vivi’s b-day. She’s turning 4. When did the parties for just friends start? I feel torn on what to do!

6. Launch collection well. Y’all know about some products but there are a few that I’ve never shared about! I can’t wait to share everything on September 19!

7. Create mastermind group. I’m so excited for this! A few months ago, I started praying about the group and who to ask. We have such an amazing group committed to it. Now to get the ball rolling!

8. Fully enjoy beach trip. Ok so taking a trip with an almost 4-year-old and a 1-year-old already has me exhausted. Last year was fun but I spent a good bit of time wishing I were alone in a beach chair with a book. I really want to enjoy our trip for what it is, maybe a little chaotic and not so restful. I want to enjoy my time and not wish it was something else!

9. Start reboot with Meredyth. If you watched my FB Live about our search for a shop manager, THIS is the candidate God brought into my life, not to hire for shop manager but to become my friend, someone I could help with her business and to actually work with for my own health. I am so excited to start this and will definitely be sharing more soon!

10. Get our paperwork in order. This is beyond boring but I’m so behind in some of those little tasks around the house and want to get better about it!

11. Find fall rhythms. I have felt so blah lately and I think it’s because life hasn’t changed much with the seasons. The girls go to “school” in the summer expect for a few weeks so there isn’t necessarily a big shift in our house but I want to change up some things to breathe a little life into our routines.

12. Take cooking course. Tyler bought me a cooking course! After hearing me talk for months about wanting to cook better, he found the perfect one for me! I am so excited! I’ll share more as I go through it a little more!


I shared a Facebook Live video called “How I schedule monthly goals” if you need help making your monthly goals actionable! Click here to watch!

Also, If you are looking for a way to set goals and take action on them daily, weekly and monthly, check out the Powersheets! Besides prayer, this is the single biggest factor for how I’ve been able to focus my goals and make things happen over the last 3 years!


We decided to change things up this year for our giving. We are now partnering with RMI on a longterm basis to provide hot meals for two schools in Haiti for the entire school year. For most of these kids, this is their only hot meal and for some only meal of the day! 10% of every purchase made will go directly to this project so every journal you buy provides SIX meals for students and every year provides EIGHTEEN! Amazing!!!

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