A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Risk & Rest :: Community


Welcome to the next post in our Risk & Rest series! Today I wanted to talk about community and relationships. As many of you know, my big goal this year is to connect with others, so this worksheet was designed to help me do that!

Risk & Rest Series: Community | Val Marie Paper

Our worksheet is super simple: list those people that you want to connect with deeper and simply list their favorite meals or restaurants beside their name. The idea is that when you make a meal at home, you will think of that person on your list who just happens to LOVE that Italian dish you are planning to make this week. Or if you are planning to head to a restaurant that is so & so’s favorite, you’ll be reminded to call them! It’s amazing how fast the weeks and months go by and even with the best of intentions to get together, a lot of times it just doesn’t happen. I like to think this worksheet will help us associate everyday things in our life with others.

You may be thinking to yourself “Entertaining is not my thing.”

I honestly have always dreamed of hosting tons of parties or entertaining friends in pinterest-perfect entertaining home. The truth is, I live in a 2-bedroom apartment and have kind of put entertaining friends on that back burner until said dream home lands in our lap. I recently started reading A Life that Says Welcome: Simple Ways to Open Your Heart & Home to Others by Karen Ehman. She emphasizes that you don’t need to wait till you have the perfect home to do this!! As silly as this sounds, this was big for me. I got over this idea and a few others things that might be holding you back (i.e. a dusty bookcase or kids). If you’ve got a few hangups like I did, check out Ehman’s book!

Entertaining is about so much more than fancy meals. It’s about the way we make people feel when we do thoughtful things for them and the connections we can make over something as simple as bacon and eggs.

Download your copy here!

Previous Risk & Rest posts:
A New Series :: Risk & Rest
Risk & Rest :: A Challenge

Credit Bacon & Eggs

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