A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Pre-order 2018 Yearly Prayer Journals!

8.15.2017 • 1 Comment

We all know her. She’s the girl we think to call when we need prayer. She’s the one whose relationship with God feels so conversational and effortless. We can’t in a million years fathom that describing us. Surely it’s a personality trait, right? False. Let’s all breathe a sigh of relief about that!


And the only way to learn it is to practice. But not just practice with those prayers that fall in 30 seconds flat to to-do list planning or Instagram scrolling or “hey the laundry needs folding!” I’m talking undistracted prayer time that fires us up and has us actually wanting to pray more.

I’m a prayer warrior. But I’m nothing special. I’m also not living in a quiet home (hi Vivi and Vana! 🙂 ) with an empty to-do list. But several years ago I tossed my hands in the air (you could call it a hail mary if you wanted to be punny) and I made the prayer journal that I couldn’t in months of google searches find.

I was tired of a stale prayer life, tired of waking up next to dread and discouragement, tired of going to sleep next to worry and anxiety.

And so I became a prayer warrior.

  • This happened as I tuned into the prayer needs of friends as I glanced over at my open journal instead of tuned into the radio in my car.
  • This happened as I wrote gratitudes each morning and started my day with a perspective of knowing God has already answered so many prayers in my life.
  • This even happened on the days it was really really hard to concentrate and I wrote out my prayers and let my paper and pen keep me focused.
  • This happened as I cooked, put on makeup, folded laundry and a thousand other moments where my hands were busy, but I could quickly turn my eyes to an organized list of prayers and jump right in instead of wasting precious time trying to remember what I wanted to pray for in the first place.


I soon learned I wasn’t the only one struggling to focus. Sometimes we think we should be able to focus on our own or we aren’t doing it right. It’s just not true.

Friend, stop staring at a blank wall frustrated and trying to fight for focus and instead finally invest in the tool that tens of thousands of people have said is changing their lives and helping them become that prayer warrior they never thought they could be.



No magic! Just a simple format designed to clear out the noise and be a place for your wandering mind to land. Here are the details:

  • It is a prompted prayer journal broken into 12 months.
  • There are 7 pages of categories to fill out and organize your requests for the world, community, family, friends, your own goals and more.
  • You can fill it out before the month starts and then simply carry it with you to pray when you have a few minutes throughout your day or sit quietly for an extended time in the morning.
  • There are even sections for a few verses, a quote and an adoration section to set your mind on truth on those days it’s hard to immediately dive into praying.
  • There is also a section for answered prayers so you can track how God is working your life because seeing God works makes us that much more likely to pray more.
  • And that’s just the prompted section! There are also two other lined sections: 1. to write out prayers in long form 2. to write down about 3 gratitudes a day!
  • It’s basically 4 journals in one (2 of our 6-month journals, and 1 of our gratitude journals and 2 of our conversation journals). A $60 value for $45.
  • And what’s even cooler? It’s wrapped in the prettiest linens, stamped with gold foil and bounded with a spiral so you can leave open and use while you have your hands busy.


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Comments (2)

Hi Val! Is there going to be a special prayer journal for Moms in 2018? I read that on Risen Motherhood. Wondering if I should wait for that or order this one! Thanks!

Hey! I’m catching up on comments. I’m guessing I was referring to the Legacy Journal! Not sure if you have seen that in our shop but that should be it!