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My Word of 2016 : Small

12.30.2015 • 8 Comments

This year is going to be different.

Every year, I have big goals, but every year, it’s still been about me essentially. And don’t get me wrong, I’ve still got goals (which I’ll be sharing tomorrow!) that obviously benefit me. Year of SmallBut my overall hope for 2016 is to get small.

  • To think less about myself and more about others.
  • To give generously, not just when it’s easy.
  • To live life a little simpler and a little slower finding delight more in fresh cherries than big adventures.
  • To live like every part of me believes VMP is God’s business, not mine and point others to Jesus, not to myself.
  • To live a life of peace because I know God is in control and that God doesn’t need my help manipulating my future.
  • To feel confidant saying “no” when I need to say “no” humbling knowing the weight of the world is not on my shoulders.
  • To be OK with a softer voice on social media and be more prayerful before I share about my motives for sharing.

That last thought has been a big point of contention for me recently. Comparison has gripped me. I have been focused on the sales, comments, likes, followers and ultimately how it all compares to others. The reality is, it’s exhausting and discouraging. It doesn’t give me peace or joy. When I have found moments to humble myself and not focus on growing MY own kingdom, peace and joy are there. Can you imagine that being a lifestyle?

That’s my hope for 2016. To cultivate a spirit of smallness. 

This doesn’t mean I want my business to shrink or to become insecure. It just means I am AOK with a quiet life and desire less for everyone to see ME and desire more for people to see Jesus.

Our pastor shared a sermon a few weeks ago talking about the attributes of Jesus. One was humble and because of that he said “I don’t have to obsess over my position or status.” God doesn’t care about my position which has me asking myself, why do I care so much about my position or status?

I am thrilled for this year and how this simple word has already changed my thoughts the last few weeks. I originally planned for my word to be SUSTAINABLE which might make more sense tomorrow when I share my overall goals but felt a tug at this work SMALL. It seemed weird to be a word for the year especially during this season of making goals and dreaming BIG things but I’m finding my dreams don’t require me to be bigger, but God to be! 🙂

Have you picked a word for 2016?? I would LOVE to hear it!!

Goal Setting Series:

Monday – What I read in 2015
Tuesday – My favorite resources for goal-setting
Wednesday – My Word for 2016
Thursday – 10 Goals and Verses for 2016
Friday – Books for 2016

And don’t forget to check out Natalie’s goal setting series too!!

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Comments (14)

My word for 2016 is “surrender”. I felt for most of 2015 that I was trying to grip and control a lot and looking back at it, it really didn’t help anything. I’ve had “surrender” come up a few times for me and it just felt right for 2016. So, 2016 will be a lot of letting go and letting God work the path he has for me.

I also feel so rejuvenated when I read your blog. It has that coming home feeling to it and my heart always feel more full in the best way possible. My word for 2016 is consistency. I am the first to say I tend to be more turn to God in the hard times and not the good but this year I want to turn to Him for all things. I look forward to this year and all the amazing adventures he has in store for me.


I love that Brittany! Steadfast was my word for the year last year. I wanted to not be so up and down on my emotions or joy just because of circumstances. I feel like God taught me so much through it and I hope He teaches you amazing things too through consistency! And thank you for the kind words about the blog!! 🙂 More encouragement to me to keep blogging.

My word is “nourish”. I have put myself- body and spirit on the backburner in 205 and I’m ready for a little nourishment. I truly believe you cannot give what you don’t have, so I’m ready to spend some time nourishing what I have in order to give from the overflow!

My word for 2015 was “dare.” It was a big year for me with trying out a lot of new things (graduating with my Masters, moving, starting a new job, adopting a furever friend) and I really felt like my word showed up non stop throughout this year. My word for 2016 is “fortitude.” Now that I’ve started all of these new things, I’m praying and hoping for the strength and courage and stubbornness to push forward and keep growing and doing and changing and loving and all of the other good stuff.

I love both of those words and how cool to see how they carry you through different seasons of this journey!

My word for 2016 is “present”. I take so much time looking back. Reevaluating. Remembering… And looking forward. Planning. Expecting. Anticipating.

There is nothing more that I want for 2016 than for me to learn how to be still and experience the current moment, and to be present.

My word for 2016 is “now.” Like you I feel like 2016 shouldn’t be about me but what God is asking in the now. How do I respond with the heart of Christ now, in the small ordinary moments of life instead of feeling overwhelmed by thinking God only loves the big moments and people who live big dreams.

This is so good too! I’m planning to read Simply Tuesday this year and feel like it’s all about those ordinary moments. I think I will have a lot of those after Vana comes in May!!

My word for 2016 is “cherish”. It came to me in the middle of a sleepless night. I’m going to blog about it later this week.

Yes! Cherish is so beautiful! I read Rest of God recently and it talks so much about delighting. I actually prayed this morning that I’d delight and ponder and treasure instead of be too quick to DO. 🙂

Love this so much! I love the idea of getting small. I am going to remember that as I gear up for the new year. My husband and I pray for God to give us a word each year. This year I feel like God gave me the word stewardship. This past year was intimacy and it blew me away.

xo Anna

Oh I love the word stewardship!! And I love that you saw God move in your word last year. I feel like it makes the next year all the more exciting as you anticipate what he will do with stewardship!