A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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My 2021 Life-Changers


Welcome to Val’s annual goal series! We’re releasing a new goals-related blog post each day. And don’t miss Val’s class on how to use our prayer journals and overcome common obstacles. Sign up to get the replay here!

202 Life-Changers by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, community, small group, bible study, 2021 life-changers, goals, annual goalsIn the last few years, I’ve started sharing the things that changed my life that year. Some are super deep and serious and others small but impacted me in some way that I specifically can pinpoint. 

Here’s this year’s list! 

1. Counseling. My mentor for the last several years is actually a counselor. As I started having a lot of anxiety and overwhelm, I knew I needed to start talking to her in a more professional way. We’ve met a lot over the last several months, and besides prayer and the Lord obviously, this has been the single greatest impact on my life this year.  We’ve addressed my anxiety, hypochondria, stress, and even my fear of public speaking and I see a noticeable difference in how I approach all of it now.

2. Stool test. I know this sounds weird, but I think everyone needs to get a stool test done. The information it reveals about the gut is so vital. I worked with my friend Meredyth Fletcher and highly recommend her.

3. Anxiety Ease essential oil. *  I bought this oil as a hail mary. I’ve already shared, anxiety has been an issue this year so of course, I’ll try an oil called anxiety ease! I started diffusing it before bed in our room since nights were the worst and I saw a noticeable calm when I’d smell it! It’s now one of my favorite parts of my nightly routine.

4. This sleep mask. I have never been one to sleep with a sleep mask. In fact, my assumption was that only bougie people wore them like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s (who I’ve totally dressed up as for a costume engagement party!). But my sister had bought a bunch of these on sale for possible customer gifts and gave me one, and oh my goodness! It’s so wonderful! There’s something about, not only the total darkness, but also something literally keeping your eyes closed that was so peaceful! I don’t keep it on all night, like at some point in my sleep I take it off but I love falling to sleep with it.

5. Vegamour Gro+ Advanced hair serum.* I shared in my latest monthly peptalk how my hair has been falling out a ton for the last few months. To the point where I’ve lost about half my hair and what’s left is brittle and frizzy and started to show scalp. We think it’s from surgery in July, another procedure in August, stress and anxiety. I am still in the early stages of using this product but I’m already seeing some regrowth which is promising!

202 Life-Changers by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, community, small group, bible study, 2021 life-changers, goals, annual goals

6. Praying with others. With everything this year held, I had some really tough moments where I got really desperate for prayer! It’s funny how we feel like it’s such a burden to ask people to pray when I know if someone asks me to pray, I’m humbled and grateful to get to pray for them. So this year, I prayed with a prayer group as we went through Pray Confidently and Consistently. It was basically the beta group for our Pray Confidently and Consistently Together guide. I also started a prayer walk at my girl’s school once a quarter with other moms. And have been praying more with friends in general!

7. Christian Mindset Makeover course. So I shared that I would be doing this course in my episode on the podcast about affirmations and my actual interview with the course creator Alicia Michelle. But now that I’m several weeks into the process, it is life-changing and I cannot wait to continue!! It’s brought so much hope to me as someone who feels stuck in negative thought patterns. What I’ve already learned and what I’m going to put into practice will change so much for me and my family. I’m sure you’ll hear me talk more about this soon!

2021 Life-Changers by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, community, small group, bible study, 2021 life-changers, goals, annual goals

8. The Balanced Life Sisterhood.* So I have tried to get into several different things to work out at home but nothing has ever stuck. Like I couldn’t get motivated to do it because I didn’t actually enjoy doing it. The videos from The Balanced Life have been so good. I honestly feel so good after I finish and enjoy the actual moves she teaches and even crave doing it. I’ve never said that for an exercise besides lifting weights which I’m still doing some of. But to know I can get a quick 10 or 15-minute workout in on days I can’t go to the gym has been so good to stay consistent!

9. Crocs. I am literally 20 years late on this trend but I was looking for a shoe to wear around the house. We have all wood floors and it’s not always good on my feet so I wear this cushy pair of flip-flops around the house a lot. I knew with winter coming, it would be nice to have an option I could wear with socks and remembered Crocs! Tyler’s dad loved them and I am now here to carry the torch. They are amazingly comfortable and I saw pairs at Nordstrom Rack (read half price 😉 ) for the girls a few weeks ago and got them for all those times we want to go for a walk, pop over to my sister’s house or go cruise around the pond. No more waiting for someone to buckle a shoe. It’s amazing!!

10.Routinery app. I shared about this app in my recent post about sleep but it’s been really helpful to create a night routine on autopilot. I don’t have to think of each next step or even waste time wondering if I forgot anything. You put in each step of your routine along with the time you want to devote to it. Hit start and go. As you finish a step, you can move on to the next. If you need more time, when it buzzes to tell you to move on the the next thing, you can add a minute. This has been the best thing I’ve used to actually stay consistent with a morning and night routine.

[one-half-first]2021 Life-Changers by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, community, small group, bible study, 2021 life-changers, goals, annual goals[/one-half-first]

2021 Life-Changers by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, community, small group, bible study, 2021 life-changers, goals, annual goals


11. Zip-up robe. Now let me just say, the combo of this robe (which looks similar tomy grandmother’s robe), crocs, thinning hair and me with pink eye and my nighttime glasses was quite a sight the other day! I’m talking, the ultimate moment of humility. The thing is though, the crocs / robe combo is the peak of winter comfort. The front room in our house has tons of windows so it stays fairly cold all winter even with the heater. With this robe though, I’ve been able to still look forward to morning quiet times in the living room and not feel so cold that I just want to stay in my warm bed. And without worrying about my robe coming undone. Yes, please! 

12. Owen and Wren. I can’t share this list without two of the biggest things that changed my year! I got to become aunt to not one but two sweet babies, Wren and Owen! They are a true delight and I cannot wait to watch them grow. 

* affiliate links, but of course I only share what I genuinely love. 


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