A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


How I Crafted My Wardrobe


photo 1Today I wanted to share with you the thought process behind how I actually picked my capsule wardrobe. It can be tough to figure out where to start, especially when you might have a closet packed to the gills to begin with. I already mentioned in yesterday’s capsule wardrobe post, I highly recommend using Caroline’s worksheet. Here’s how I answered some of the sections to help get you started: 1. Lifestyle – Your activities divided into a piechart! How fun! 50% – Running errands/casual trips out (like lunch with friends) 25% – Home = Comfortable but also not sweatpants 20% – Church & Date Nights 5% – Special Occasions (like weddings and fancy parties) This told me  a few things. My lifestyle is VERY casual and I actually had more dressy tops than I really needed and that’s why I wasn’t wearing them. I needed more casual tops if I was hoping to wear anything more than sweats everyday. That in-between type outfit was totally lacking and what I could use the most. 2. Colors – Create a color scheme including shoes and accessories. I based this off of what I had a lot of and a pop of color that I kept finding myself drawn too and kept seeing in shops. Major – Black, Grey (and I’m sneaking white in here too!) Minor – Cobalt Accents – Cognac and Gold 3. My Go-To Pieces Skinny jeans Racer back tees Flowy tops Your other sections will probably vary a good bit from mine since I was starting from scratch for the most part. Once you finish filling out your worksheet, plan a good chunk of time for the next steps because it will take time to do it right. 1. Do a quick skim for pieces you know you don’t love or need and get rid of them. 2. Take all your clothes out of your closet and keep you worksheet handy. 3. Try on everything and ask a few questions:

  • Are you comfortable/confident in it? How does it make you feel?
  • Does it look good on? (This should be obvious but I know I’ve kept my fair share of things because I loved the piece even though it didn’t look great on. Give those to a friend with a different body shape. You will enjoy the piece more when you see someone else putting it to use.)
  • Where would you wear it?
  • Does that fit into your current lifestyle?
  • Is it a versatile piece?
  • If it’s not versatile do you mind repeating the same look? (This was important to me because I’m not super creative with mixing up looks BUT I have no problem wearing the same outfit over again so it’s ok for me to have non versatile pieces if I really love it.)

4. Add only the clothes that look great on and fit your lifestyle. 5. Take a roll call of what is missing. And pretty please, be cautious. Don’t create your list based on so-and-so’s 10 must have pieces for your wardrobe. I do not in fact need a fancy blazer for my work at home mommy lifestyle. This is why your worksheet comes in handy. YOU craft your wardrobe to fit your needs. 6. Get rid of the clothes you will never wear. Store the rest out of sight. I still have some pieces for other seasons and pieces I LOVE that are just a little too small, but will fit once I stop nursing (Lord-willing!) So now it’s your turn! Get started on your worksheets and share your progress on instagram by adding the hashtag #unfancy. Coming tomorrow! My capsule wardrobe!

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