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Goals // March

3.5.2015 • 5 Comments


Hello March!!

I know I shared last month one of the reasons I keep sharing my goals but I loved what Jess Connolly said this week for why she shares her goals.

I wanted to share the two main reasons I write these posts. 1. To keep it real. February was not my easiest month and I hate the idea of people only seeing the outer fruit of our lives + not the inner battle. So I got pretty honest about this month’s battles. 2. I genuinely don’t understand how growth happens without a plan. God grows what He wants, when He wants, how He wants, but I believe He invites us in to the process. To walk WITH Him. So I share goals because I want it to be clear that any walking I do forward is intentional but led by the Holy Spirit. And, I get really fired up hearing other women’s goals, so share yours too.

1. Start using my Fitbit. Work up to 10,000 steps a day. 10,000 is ALOT. Atleast for this mom who is lucky to get a daily walk in. I did use the Fitbit consistently but made a more realistic goal of 60,000 steps a week.
2. Spend intentional time promoting the new journalsYes! I feel like I was able to make time for this.
3. Create VMP giving plan. Yes!! Read all about it here
4. Start the Contentment ChallengeI am loving this. I did make some purchases for a new skin regimen but this was actually part of one of my 2015 goals so I’m ok with this! Otherwise, not spending has been great! 
10948364_1003308803017424_1581640415_n5. Throw a Favorite Things Galentine’s Party for girlfriends. Yay! So much fun! 
6. Clean out garage. We actually did a ton of this last weekend so we have a head start! :) We didn’t touch the garage. 
7. Go through wedding inventory. Didn’t touch this either. 
8. Come up with a landscaping plan. This either. 
9. Focus on 3 veggies and 2 fruits daily. MyFitbook has been inspiring me so much with this. I definitely did more of this and I am more conscious to make sure my day is balanced with these things. 
10. Have all info to our accountant for taxes by end of month. We ALWAYS file late so I’m determined to be on time this year! We have everything complete. Just need to send to our accountant. 
10979712_781773928574304_1221404256_n11. Read Prayers for the New Bride. There are 40 chapters and I didn’t want to rush it but instead read one a day so I’m moving this to March goal. 
12. Social Media free nights and weekends. This one is going to be hard!! But so important. I talked about the importance of changing one habit here. And how I made it happen here. It is happening! I won’t say I don’t look at all, but I might look once instead of multiple times throughout the weekend. It’s been super refreshing. 

On to March goals:

1. Write down and practice beauty regimen. I still use the same products I did when I was 16. I know I need to start taking better care of my skin. Developing this habit is my goal this month!
2. Work on researching and writing content for new journal and pray about it. Super excited for this. It’s amazing what God is pressing on my heart, things I honestly wouldn’t have thought of on my own.
10957195_629706217161422_1346890749_n3. Spend intentional time marketing the journals and sharing our charity for the month. I have hated marketing in the past because I always saw it as fake and salesy. I know it doesn’t have to be like that so I truly want to market VMP products with a pure heart and in the right way.
4. Write down and practice financial routine. Similar to number 1, I want to know what I need to do each month and have it laid out. When to move money into savings, when to pay certain bills. I can be a bit haphazard when it comes to these things!
5. Plan the next Stir with Natalie. Yes! So excited to share more info on dates and topic soon!
6. Have at least three hangouts with friends. I need this! And I’m tired of it not happening so it’s officially on my goals list.
7. Create cleaning routine. As mentioned in this post, I can tidy like a champ but don’t know how to clean, what to use or not use.
8. Read Eat Pretty‘s Spring Chapter. I loved reading this book and how it made me look at foods differently. I definitely would love a refresher for Spring!
9. Create Artifact Uprising books for 3-12 months for Vivi and 2014 for our family. Cat from Green Fingerprint’s scrapbooking posts have been inspiring me and made me realize, although I don’t enjoy traditional scrapbooking, I do love memory keeping with the AU books! I sat with Vivi to look at hers from her first 3 months and didn’t realize how much I wanted them for HER to look at later too!
10. Study forgiveness and bitterness in Scripture. More on this soon!
11. Try new fitness options. I have been trying to figure out what to do to get fitness in and thought, I am going to try 4 different options for a week each and see what feels right, which one I want to keep doing or is easy to fit in.
12. Finish reading The Fringe Hours and Prayers for the New Bride.

And just in case you aren’t sick of books on the blog yet this week, tomorrow I’m sharing my list to read in 2015!!

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Comments (7)

This is just awesome inspiring. Have been working on mine, thank you for helping me move forward.

Just a thought: I think that trying a fitness routine for one week might not be enough to see whether it works for you or not, I would give it a bit more time. Especially if they differ, if they focus on different types of movement (running vs. cycling vs. Pilates, etc.). I love running, and I did not like my first few months much.

Thanks again for inspiration. I really enjoy your web presence (and stalk you on Instagram.)

Hi Val! Thanks for writing! You’re “voice” is always so fun to read. I was wondering if you’d share what skincare you’re using? I’m trying to implement some more self care this year, too!

Yes!! I’m actually blogging that too in the next month!! I’m working on figuring it out now! 😉

Val — You’re the second person this month that I have read about the Contentment Challenge (even though it was definitely part of your Feb’s goals). Any thoughts around your successes? Or struggles? 🙂

The fact that you’ve managed to unplug from social media in the evenings gives me hope! I’ve been unplugging for an hour each day and a few times it’s been pretty hard–and it’s only March 5th!

I know it will get easier. It’s amazing to me how mindless I am in checking Twitter, Facebook, etc. Why do I do that? What purpose does it serve? Probably not a good one!

I think I need to start making monthly goals! I always love reading them on blogs, but I never make them myself. I usually have a few things I want to accomplish each month, but I never really write them down and try to hold myself more accountable.

Also, I am never sick of books!