A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Goals // February

2.4.2015 • 7 Comments

PicTapGo-ImageLast month I shared about my goals for the year. This month, I’m getting back on track sharing my monthly goals with you! I have asked myself whether to stop these post, but to be honest, there is such accountability knowing I share what I hope to do each month with you all. I also hope that it inspires you if you are unsure of what is really important to you. I know I will read goals from my peers and am inspired in areas I tend to forget to give attention to.

10953546_424713027681481_1431735825_nSo here were January goals:

1. Create a list of new habits to start and old habits to break when it comes to taking care of myself. I did this using my worksheet. It is so helpful. I need to keep this handy though because I can forget it so easily! 
2. Design Marriage, Single’s and Pregnancy journals. Check, check and check! This took a lot of late night and early mornings but I am so pleased with the finished product and it looks like y’all are too! The orders so far have been more than we ever expected! 
3. Listen to podcasts on businesses that give back. Yes! And semi figured out how to do add giving to VMP. More on this soon! 
4. Reread notes from both The Millionaire Next Door and The Total Money Makeover. Yes! Such good reinforcement. 
10932393_625216564290741_500998076_n 5. Send invitations and prep for Galentine’s Party. Designed and sent and already planned my grocery list and food instead of the day before like I would have had this not been on my powersheet! 🙂
6. Pray about which relationships God wants me to grow. A hard one to just check off the list but I am getting clarity on it! 
7. Update list of maintenance to-do. Did not happen. 
8. Pray about wedding collection. Definitely feeling God’s leading on this one! Check!
9. Get rid of half my clothes. Yes!! Well technically they haven’t made it to Faith House yet. Isn’t that the hardest part? Actually taking time to drop it off?
10. No soda (including my beloved icees!) for the whole month. I had 4 still less than normal but more than I would like! 

February Goals:

1. Start using my Fitbit. Work up to 10,000 steps a day. Who uses one? I need accountability!
marriage112. Spend intentional time promoting the new journals. Anytime you launch a new product, the opportunity for reviews and people sharing on insty grow a ton. Since we can’t give a million out for free, I want to make sure I’m being a good steward of those we do send out, that they are the right fit for VMP.
3. Create VMP giving plan. Like #2, doing research to find great partners can take up more time than my schedule and Vivi allow. I’m hoping by setting up a criteria and a plan, I’ll streamline the process and actually make giving happen every month! See what y’all did yesterday with one opportunity!!
4. Start the Contentment Challenge. More on this soon! Already learning a lot!!
5. Throw a Favorite Things Galentine’s Party for girlfriends. Moreso be intentional and a gracious hostess and listener.
6. Clean out garage. We actually did a ton of this last weekend so we have a head start! 🙂10914327_347822198724084_841035561_n
7. Go through wedding inventory. 
8. Come up with a landscaping plan. We haven’t touched our front yard since we have moved in and have been waiting for spring! Any advice welcome!
9. Focus on 3 veggies and 2 fruits daily. My Fitbook has been inspiring me so much with this. Focus on the good instead of the bad (like I did last month. Woops! 😉
10. Have all info to our accountant for taxes by end of month. We ALWAYS file late so I’m determined to be on time this year!
11. Read Wife After God. You might have noticed, my year goals don’t include Vivi and Tyler.
12. Social Media free nights and weekends. This one is going to be hard!! But so important. I talked about the importance of changing one habit here. And how I made it happen here.

There you have it!! What do you have planned for February??


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Comments (9)

Thank you for sharing my post – I’m so pleased that it was helpful to you!

I have MANY of your same goals!
From January: I MUST look into that social media time app. I would love to know how much time I actually log. And I’m usually a big pen + paper girl for most everything. But I LOVE using a budget app. It simplifies it and makes it easy to see 🙂
For February: thanks for reminding me to think of something to fast from from Lent! Lent comes so quickly I almost always forget! And I’m studying Philippians this month too! Love all of your goals ❤

Love these Val! I shared my year goals here:
and my month goals here: 🙂

You are so inspiring to me and even though I’m not quite as organized or as on top of things as I want to be – you are helping me to be. Love your journals and it really does help me in my walk with Jesus everyday! I am turning “50” in four days and have been divorced for a long time – was wondering if I should purchase the journal for singles – would it apply to me? I struggle with being by myself and hope that God has someone special out ther for me. Anywho! Just wanted you to know that your monthly post about your goals really help jump start my process. Thanks!

Susan! I am so glad to hear that the post was inspiring!! Sometimes I feel silly sharing but it truly helps ME so much too!! For the singles journal, I do think you would LOVE it! Her examples come from a place of not being married but you would relate to what she talks about and the struggle/frustrations/doubts that can come with singleness. It focuses on finding out joy and contentment in Christ alone. I would definitely recommend!