April is here!! Yay! Such a big and exciting month! My bestie (and twin) Natalie is getting married next week and it’s our last month before Vana comes (early May!).
1. Practice what I took away from His Needs, Her Needs by William Harley, Jr. I mentioned a bit about this book here but it was a very practical look at the needs of husbands and wives. Yes! However, it’s so hard to measure. I would have loved to do more but I definitely made more of an effort this month than normal!
2. Launch special project. : ) As I’ve been researching for this project, I have found almost no resources on it so I think this will be super helpful to you creatives. Not yet. Tentative date is April 15!
3. Memorize 4 verses. I haven’t memorized a verse in years. One of the things I was reminded of when filling out this worksheet was that I am making negative and positive deposits into my mind with everything that I let in. I want to make more of an effort to put the positive stuff in more! Yes! Galatians 6:9, Romans 8:6, Ephesians 2:10, Romans 1:25. I want to do this every month! I literally woke up in the middle of the night and started reciting one of these. I loved that my mind went to Scripture instead of worry.
4. Cook for someone. I use this term cook loosely. I mean Tyler cook. ; ) He loves cooking for others and I love the opportunity to serve it provides for our family too. Tyler cooked a 6-course meal for our family for Easter!
5. Start looking for vehicle. We are planning to buy a small SUV before Vana comes. The bigger goal here is to finishing saving and pay cash. Vehicles are not cheap so we are praying for the right option to come along! Nope. Not yet.
6. Prep body for delivery and recovery. After Vivi was born, I messed up my back pretty bad because my c-section had rendered my core useless and I was using my back more than I should. I want to incorporate exercises into my workout that will strengthen the parts of my body that will be most helpful following another c-section (mostly likely what will happen!). I didn’t really find any advice on specifics for prepping for a c-section so if you know if anything, definitely leave a comment! My goal is to strengthen my back since that was what hurt the worst after delivery since I was not able to use my stomach.
7. Set limit and stick to daily phone use. I’m not gonna lie. This will be hard but this was another discover I made in that exercise from the last post. I’ve been tracking my time but haven’t actually attempted to limit it. Yes! I did much better this month but some days I failed miserably and found it easy to justify WHY I was on my phone so much. I definitely want to keep shrinking my time limit and make it less about a number and more about a heart shift.
8. Reread Margin notes and prioritize and cut. It’s so important to prune a few times a year. We tend to start saying yes more than we should, because we are people-pleasers to some extent. Life feels too busy right now and I know it’s because I am letting too much in. Time to be reminded of that sweet margin that fuels my soul and helps me focus on what’s most important. This was sooo good! If you haven’t read Margin, it is one of my very favorite books that has changed my life. Reread the things that stood out most to be were super inspiring as we prepare for Vana.
9. Schedule weekly lunch with friends. Yay! I already have this scheduled for this week and am so looking forward to this! This actually happened!
10. Finish designing 2017 collection. I talked about one of my biggest distractions to making this happen in yesterday’s periscope. I’m hoping to focus my limited work time more this month and create some amazing things! Not yet! I actually changed up one of them that I was stuck on. My own struggles this month birthed a whole new journal I hadn’t even thought of!
1. Focus on loving family selflessly and adding joy to our home. I shared about this in this week’s periscope. I’ve been complaining a bunch and it certainly affects Tyler and Vivi so I want to change the atmosphere.
2. Implement B-School action steps I can do now and make to do for the rest and prep for maternity leave. I first took B-School a few years ago but you are a lifetime member so I love the refresher each spring.
3. Prayer Challenge! I’m really excited about this! I’ve been in a prayer slump and don’t want to neglect it’s importance in my life especially as I prepare for Vana to get here and being a mom of two. More info about prayer challenge here if you’d like to join!
4. Use timesheets during worktime. I refreshed my 2016 goals a bit. See them here!
5. Finish to-do’s on my “before Vana arrives” list. Oy! Or at least tackle the necessities!
6. Up my workouts to 4-5 days a week. I feel soooo good when I work out! The last month of pregnancy can feel the longest so I’m going to spend as much time as I can feeling good! ; )
7. Social media free weekends. I have done these in the past and loved them! I think it will help me get back to my restful Sabbaths as well.
8. Go to the pool atleast 2X a week. This is for three reasons: 1. the neighborhood pool is a block away and always gets me in the simple summer life mood 2. to make sure Vivi and I are having fun before she’s got to share momma 3. because the pool feels pretty nice on a big ole pregnant body.
9. Create social media mission statement. With everyone talking about the new Instagram algoritham, it got me thinking about what my purpose is for social media. I want to be a little more intentional which I think will help VMP AND help me not spend unnecessary time on my phone.
10. Finalize new collection. Ok this has been on my goal list for three months now but only because I got a little too ambitious about finishing this collection super early in anticipation of Vana coming! I’ve got two of the four brand new journals completed and revisions to most of our current collection done! I’d love your prayers on this one goal especially. I get overwhelmed trying to produce something that is from my heart but also something y’all will want as far as colors, materials, layout, etc.
I recently read The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey and he talked about our responsibility to give thought to who we give to. Simply throwing money at poorly run organizations or not taking the time to find out about their heart is wasteful. Ouch!
With that said, we will be donating $.50 of every journal sold to ShamaWomen for the month of April! I first heard about this organization at The Influence Net Conference and fell in love with the leaders of the organization. Their heart is so clearly passionate for helping women in South Asia. Their goal is to “engage and equip at-risk women through vocational and Biblical training to experience freedom that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. After hearing the struggles they face in South Asia, I think about these women often and think how it could have very easily been me placed in these dangerous conditions instead of the comfort of South Louisiana. It’s given me such a desire to help however I can! Read more about ShamaWomen or donate directly here.
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