A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

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April Prayer Challenge

3.28.2016 • 5 Comments

I am in dire need of a prayer reboot. It’s not that I’m not praying at all, but my heart isn’t focused. Discouragement over the last month or so has had me feeling those prayers are hitting a ceiling before they reach God. And I feel like it’s mostly been a matter of going through the motions instead of really talking to God from my heart.

undated14I hear from so many people who have felt this way before so I thought I would share with y’all what I am doing this month and invite you to join me!

For the month of April, I am committing to:

  1. 30 solid minutes in prayer a day
  2. Commit to picking up my prayer journal in those dead moments
  3. Study Bible verses about prayer and God’s character. I’ll be sharing what I learn on Instagram every few days to keep us motivated (Follow here and turn on notifications to make sure you don’t miss any posts).

How to prep for the challenge:

  1. Find an accountability partner! I’m thinking about adding some sort of local element, maybe a meetup to pray together and text group? Accountability is soo important!! While I hope sharing insty posts will help, I would HIGHLY encourage finding a few friends to do this with to check in on throughout the month.
  2. Leave some feedback. What are your biggest frustrations with prayer? Finding time, focus, believing? I’d love to encourage you throughout the month by addressing those specifics in the posts I plan to share.
  3. Order a prayer journal or create your own system to keep track of prayer requests. You certainly don’t need one of our prayer journals, just make sure you have something you will really stick to!

I’m having a baby in 5 weeks and I can’t think of a more intentional way to spend this last month. 🙂

Who’s in???

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Comments (10)

Hi Val!!

I am so in! Prayer has been one of the goals put on my heart this year, but after Lent I’ve lost track, so this is great! I do have one question.. How do you use your prayer journal exactly? I am trying to develop a system, but there just seems to be so much. Regular prayers for family and friends, prayer requests, long term prayers, time sensitive prayers, etc. it just overwhelms me and I’d rather run the opposite direction. Help!! Thank in advance and looking forward to commuting to pray with you [all] this month!

Hey!! Check out the hashtag #vmphowto. I explain how I use all the categories. I don’t pray through every category every single day but normally take one or two categories at a time. Hope that helps! My own overwhelm is actually precisely why I designed these!

I’m in Val! Have completely lost focus in this area of my life. Canada is a bit far for a prayer meet-up but I would love to be in on a group text for accountability of you’re starting one!

I’m in! I really need this challenge, accountability and support right now. Thanks Val. The link to your previous post on dead moments is super encouraging too. 🙂

Yes!! And it’s too funny, that post popped up in related posts and I needed the reminder too! 😉

I’m currently reading Timothy Keller’s book Prayer, and I really recommend it. It’s taught me some great ways to vary my prayers and give them structure to keep my mind from wandering.

I loved that book! I need to revisit and finish!! He’s so deep, I always get so much but it takes me a while to read.