A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


Redeeming the Afternoon Slump

A 9-day email series to help moms conquer the hardest part of the day

Before we try to tackle all of motherhood, let’s start with a small victory and redeem one of the most trying times: afternoons. For me, the afternoon is the pivotal moment that determines which path I choose for the rest of the day. Maybe your house is like mine. It’s the point where kids get bored, or wake up grumpy from naps. It’s when my patience is wearing thin and if I did want to throw my own tantrum, this is perfect stage for it. It’s that moment I make an important decision. Road 1 or road 2? Does this sound familiar?


The day wears on me and I make a slippery dissent into pity parties and grumbling. I toss my hands in the air want to crash on the couch and let our finest babysitter, Miss Netflix, take care of things for a while. Then a low energy Valerie muddles through a tense dinner and rushes through bedtime so I can enjoy time to myself.


I somehow redeem the afternoon and enjoy this ordinary but beautiful day. Dinner isn’t a 5 -star restaurant experience but it’s filled with giggles and stories. And bedtime? I stare at my kid’s face and marvel at getting to be their mom and maybe let the moments linger than normal. I leave their room with a grateful and tired, but I’m talking GOOD tired, heart. The tired that reflects a day of putting my all into what the Lord has called me to.

Momma, I may not be able to change the world, but I can help us change our afternoons. And the impact? It’s bigger than I ever imagined.

Over the next 9 days, I want to challenge YOU to USE YOUR AFTERNOONS TO transform Your homes.

Each day I’ll send over a quick heart-to-heart to keep us from slipping into the thoughts that ruin our afternoons.

When you sign up below, you’ll also begin receiving my Monthly Peptalk, a once-a-month email with a list of my current faves.

Grabbed your copy of my book, Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday? If not, grab it here and complete the challenge while you wait!

Redeeming the afternoon slump by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, mamas, mommas, challenge, motherhood, parenting, tips, kids, new mom

follow along @valmariepaper