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A practical prayerful Christmas

11.30.2021 • 1 Comment

I am sure I am the first person to tell you this, but the Christmas season is pretty crazy. And I’ll be the first person ever to admit that it’s possible to go through the whole Christmas season kind of forgetting that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Oh my gosh! That rhymes! 😯 😉 😉

Ummmm…we all know that don’t we? You might even be sick of hearing people talk about how to make this season more intentional. So I’ll save you from rehashing it all like it’s the first time you’ve heard such a thing.

Instead, I want to give you some super practical prayer triggers to make this a more prayer-filled Christmas season. Think of this like our House Prayers guide but for the holidays.

When you light a candle

Thank God for Jesus coming and being the light of the World. And think for a few grim moments on where we’d be without Him!

When you are wrapping gifts

Reflect on the gifts we can give God like the three wise men not because we have to do it to earn salvation but because His grace compels us to praise Him.

When you turn on your Christmas lights

Think about the light that you can be to others this season and pray for those loved ones who don’t know Jesus.

When you receive an invite to a holiday event

Ask God for discernment on what to say yes to. Ask Him for courage to say no if you need to say no and joy if you need to say yes.

When you diffuse a Christmas scent

Take a minute to breathe in Jesus and breathe out the world. That might sound really weird but it’s just a physical way of remembering not to conform to the world but to renew our minds instead.

When you light a fire

Think about the miracle of fire when Elijah prayed (1 Kings 18) and pray those big prayers that feel too big to pray for.

When you get a Christmas card

Pray for the family that sent you the card as you open it up.

When it snows

Remember that this season celebrating Jesus’ birth, made way for the cross. Thank God for how He has washed us white as snow. Isaiah 1:18 says “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

When you bake something

Reflect on the Lord’s Prayer and that He tells us to pray for our daily bread which shows just how dependent we are on Him to sustain us on an ongoing basis.

When someone asks what you want for Christmas

Pray for a content spirit that doesn’t store up treasures on earth but receives gifts graciously. 

When you attend a community event

Maybe it’s a Christmas play, parade or Nutcracker ballet. Pray for those who don’t know Jesus yet to be touched by him this season.

When you drink a holiday flavored drink

Reflect on Psalm 34:8 which says “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Pray that you would find refuge in him and enjoy a quiet moment away from the hustle and bustle.

When you drive around and look at Christmas lights

Listen to worshipful Christmas songs and don’t be afraid to worship God loudly and belt it out.

When you make a gingerbread house

Thank God for the foundation we get to build our lives on.

When you shop for loved ones

Pray for the person you are shopping for and even text them to tell them you are praying or ask them what you can be praying for.

When you sweep or vacuum pine needles from under your tree

Thank God that He never changes and is more everlasting than your favorite evergreen Christmas tree. Isaiah 9:6 says “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

I know this is almost too simple but I love being reminded that we may never escape to a log cabin with only our immediate family for a few quiet days pondering Christmas but we CAN experience a more prayerful season even in the busy. And you might forget most of this list but it’s my prayer that a few stick out and as you go about your Christmas season, you will find a few triggers that remind you to pray.

I would LOVE to hear, what other things do y’all do during the holiday season that could serve as a trigger to pray?

And be on the lookout for our 12 days of prayer for Advent podcast episode coming out December 13! It will have 12 short prayers all in one episode to play each morning. Click here to subscribe to Prayer in a Noisy World.

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Comments (2)

Oh I love that Tricia and totally get it! It’s like imagining all the best (or even the dreaded parts) with Jesus and that really is peaceful!! 🙂