A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


A Community of Prayer


vmpprayerHey Everyone!! I am really excited to share something with y’all today!! I have had a big passion about sharing these journals for a while now. I know how much it has transformed my prayer life and I’m hoping you will experience the same excitement in your own prayer time that I now have. I will be thrilled if that is the outcome BUT I have bigger dreams for these prayer journals! : )

Throughout my pregnancy, especially the last few weeks, as I asked for prayer for our little “breech girl”, I experienced some amazing things! So many people lifted us up and people even said they felt called to pray for us at the exact time of her birth not even knowing what was happening. The whole labor and delivery, I could feel the prayers so many people had prayed even months in advance.

The crazy part? Many of those prayers came from people I may have never even met.

What if we kept that going?

My dream for these journals is not only that you will see God work in your life through prayer, but that you will open your heart to lift up other people as well. I have been on both ends of this and it’s an incredible blessing.

What if we created a community of people who pray for each others needs?

How can that happen? Simply share a request on instagram with the hashtag #vmpprayer. Others can search through the hashtag each month pick different “prayer pals” to pray for. You can even follow up at the end of the month to see how they are doing if you are feeling bold! ; )

What if we started working harder to impact the world beyond our city, state and country?

Maybe you have a country that you are passionate about or that needs prayer. Or are about to head out on a mission trip. Share that here too!! I’m so guilty of not really knowing about the needs around the globe. I’d love to read more from individuals personal experience with a country and needs they know exist.

What if we connected with people who have similar requests and could encourage each other through the process?

How encouraging to talk to people who have been through what you’re now facing or help someone else along with what you’ve already gone through. We all know how much a little encouragement can be when we are facing tough things.

What if we got to read cool God stories of how He has worked in someone’s prayer request? 

This is big y’all!! Getting to hear about victories has done incredible things for my trust in the Lord. How cool would it be to get daily reminders of God’s faithfulness by seeing how He’s answered people’s prayers.

We have 300 + journals that headed out the door this morning. I am so excited to see WHAT IF?? I hope you will join me!!




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