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Asking Questions


How to teach your kids about God

7.20.2018 • 70 Comments

One of the biggest questions I get asked is “What are your tips on how to share our faith with our kids?” No small question, right? And to be totally honest, I usually stutter a bit not knowing how to respond. Because though we try to be intentional in many ways, the majority of the times we talk about our faith, it’s unplanned and slips in naturally. So today I will share several practical tips on teaching your kids about God, but I want to start with the easiest (and most powerful) thing we can do that can easily get overlooked.


First and foremost, we will show Jesus to our kids by how we are living out our faith in front of them. What’s in our heart is going to naturally flow out (Proverbs 4:23). If we have a faith that’s on fire, if we grieve our mistakes and confess them to the Lord, if we seek God’s guidance for decisions, we are modeling a life after God that cannot compare to a lifetime of simply saying the right things without SHOWING them a life after God.

You can’t teach something you don’t understand or something you don’t believe in. It’s your passion (or lack thereof) that will speak volumes to your kids.

Y’all know I’m all about creating products that help you consistently meet with the Lord and have undistracted time that draws you closer to Him. If we are having that consistent time with Him, peppering our days with conversations, short or long, with God, doesn’t it make sense that our kids will be in the path of that?

Can I confess? Besides actual prayers, I don’t have written down as a goal to specifically teach our girls about prayer but because it’s a natural part of my life, it’s happening more and more as my own faith has grown from morning and nighttime conversations with God and an all-day conversation.

And while you’re praying for your marriage, kids, family and friends, pray for a sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading. Pray that if you can start a natural conversation about God when you’re at the zoo looking at the unique features of a giraffe, that God will prompt you and help you see the opportunities.

How to teach kids about God by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, prayer tools, Christian parenting, motherhood, resources, teaching, kids who love the Lord, children, Sunday School, children's ministry, church

And you don’t have to do this all alone! We live in an amazing age full of mommas (and dads too!) who had an idea for how to teach their kids about God and made it available for all the other mommas and daddys too. Here are several resources to incorporate:

Risen Motherhood – This is one of my very favorite podcasts and resources! Laura and Emily are young mommas and always share resources and advice on sharing the gospel with your kids!

Tiny Theologians – This shop is amazing! Let’s just say it’s the place to find flashcards of faith. I can only play so much “Chef Vivi” but I still want to be engaged and present. These are perfect to get us to connect similar to reading a book, but a bit more interactive.

Peter’s Perfect Prayer Place – my favorite book thus far on introducing toddlers to prayer in a fun but accurate way!

Write the Word for Kids – Vivi is still a little young to actually go through this the way it was intended but we’ve talked about the format and the purpose and she loves pulling it out in the mornings before it’s time to get out of bed and she’ll color.

The Biggest Story ABC by Kevin DeYoung – As a momma, getting to fill my own mind with Scripture as I read to my kids is so refreshing.

Kid’s Prayer Journal – Of course, we created a kid’s prayer journal after one momma who has our journal had her little girl ask if she could have one like momma! So sweet!! These are on sale through the end of the month (or while they last) at $5 off!

How to teach kids about God by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, prayer tools, Christian parenting, motherhood, resources, teaching, kids who love the Lord, children, Sunday School, children's ministry, church

GIVEAWAY!! A selection of these faves is going to one of our readers! The winner will receive the ABCs of Theology and Lord’s Prayer cards from Tiny Theologians, The Biggest Story ABC by Kevin DeYoung, and our own Kid’s Prayer Journal and Kid’s Legacy Journal. To enter, simply pin one of this week’s motherhood series posts on Pinterest and show us by copying the link in a comment below! Find all the post links below. 🙂 We’ll be choosing a winner on Monday 7/23. Winner must live in the USA for shipping purposes.


When we don’t need to pray for our kids

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What to pray for your kids


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Comments (71)

I hope I’m entering this correctly lol! These resources would be such a blessing to our family

So excited for this giveaway! Love your blog and love tiny theologians!

Thanks as always for giving practical tips for prayer! I would love to win this giveaway for a family member of mine who is newer to her faith and has two children!

Such a great blog post and giveaway!

This post was SO helpful for me and I’m excited to check out these resources!!

Thank you so much for sharing these resources! I am always trying to find new ways to share God’s Word with my children!

What great resources! Thanks for sharing this week ❤️

This is amazing!! I am so in love with all these resources!