Happy March!! How is everyone doing?? We’ve been talking about goals in February in the book club so I am feeling surprisingly still strong after two months of the new year. If you are dragging, definitely check the last post! There’s a fun worksheet to help you figure out what’s holding you back.
1. Lent fast from TV from 8-5. If you work from home or have littles you know this can be a tough one!! I did this last year and absolutely loved it and got so much more accomplished. A very weary first trimester sucked me back in to the couch and Netflix during the day but I’m excited to break this habit again hopefully for good. This has been so good! Hard some days but good! 🙂
2. Work on secret project and (hopefully!) unveil in March! And clean out my office closet to make room for Vana. Some big news I haven’t actually shared yet is that all our shipping has moved to our shop girl, Savri’s house! I was a little overwhelmed at how to fit a new baby and journal, book and packaging inventory into one room but the perfect solution came about and it’s helped me start to focus on less logistics and more content creating. Still working on that project. And Vana’s room looks more like a nursery than an office these days! I was so overwhelmed by going through the closet but it feels so nice to have it all organized and in one consolidated place.
3. Study Philippians indepth. After creating my PDF of how to study each book (which I learned in Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin and highly recommend reading) I am ready to start studying more indepth! First up is Philippians! I am loving this! I have been doing the She Reads Truth Lent study but have been still studying Philippians for more indepth study time.
4. Plan and prayerfully consider Boaz Fund recipients for the year. Things will get crazy here soon with Natalie’s wedding and Vana coming so I want to have this planned out in advance. If you’d like to submit a non-profit for consideration, fill out this form! This didn’t happen. Hoping to tackle this this month.
5. Spending freeze. I really want to plan sporadic months this year where we simply freeze our spending. No clothes or extras. I know so many times I impulse buy and if I hold off for even a month, I no longer want or need it! I didn’t really define this well so this didn’t happen either. With Vivi growing again and seasons starting to change and Natalie’s shower, it was hard to draw a firm line on necessities.
6. Add weights to my workout. I started out slow just doing 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. Now that I’ve built up my stamina again, I want to add some light weights and figure out a good (and pregnancy safe) routine. Added!! Doing similar workout I did during my pregnancy with Vivi.
7. Find app for scheduling Instagram posts and use it.Since I typically like to post in the mornings, I can sometimes spend the last 30 minutes before Vivi wakes up creating an Instagram posts. I would love to get more organized and write the content for the posts during my work days so it takes more like 5 minutes to post giving me more time to read a book or do a quick tidy before Vivi wakes up. I found this and did the trial, but honestly decided against using it. It cost money and I’m really trying to be a better steward of all money spent on my business outside of my cost of goods sold. I realized I can use an app I already have to prep content.
8. Get the porch and outdoor area ready for spring. We live out hear once the weather starts warming up a bit and before the hot hot summer hits. Yes! I enjoyed my Sunday afternoon out there and am so excited for spring!
9. Throw a thoughtful wedding shower for Natalie. So excited for this! Yes! It was so fun to see friends and family and see Natalie cry which of course was the goal. ; )
10. Design new products and make needed updates to current collection. This will most likely take two months since I’ve added a few new journals! I got a good framework for everything. Now it’s time to design! Coming up with the right format is always a challenge. How do people think? How do people want to visualize? It’s tough but I am so excited to see what the Lord reveals this month. I’d love your prayers that these would be inspired not by my own vision but God’s.
1. Practice what I took away from His Needs, Her Needs by William Harley, Jr. I mentioned a bit about this book here but it was a very practical look at the needs of husbands and wives.
2. Launch special project. : ) As I’ve been researching for this project, I have found almost no resources on it so I think this will be super helpful to you creatives.
3. Memorize 4 verses. I haven’t memorized a verse in years. One of the things I was reminded of when filling out this worksheet was that I am making negative and positive deposits into my mind with everything that I let in. I want to make more of an effort to put the positive stuff in more!
4. Cook for someone. I use this term cook loosely. I mean Tyler cook. ; ) He loves cooking for others and I love the opportunity to serve it provides for our family too.
5. Start looking for vehicle. We are planning to buy a small SUV before Vana comes. The bigger goal here is to finishing saving and pay cash. Vehicles are not cheap so we are praying for the right option to come along!
6. Prep body for delivery and recovery. After Vivi was born, I messed up my back pretty bad because my c-section had rendered my core useless and I was using my back more than I should. I want to incorporate exercises into my workout that will strengthen the parts of my body that will be most helpful following another c-section (mostly likely what will happen!).
7. Set limit and stick to daily phone use. I’m not gonna lie. This will be hard but this was another discover I made in that exercise from the last post. I’ve been tracking my time but haven’t actually attempted to limit it.
8. Reread Margin notes and prioritize and cut. It’s so important to prune a few times a year. We tend to start saying yes more than we should, because we are people-pleasers to some extent. Life feels too busy right now and I know it’s because I am letting too much in. Time to be reminded of that sweet margin that fuels my soul and helps me focus on what’s most important.
9. Schedule weekly lunch with friends. Yay! I already have this scheduled for this week and am so looking forward to this!
10. Finish designing 2017 collection. I talked about one of my biggest distractions to making this happen in yesterday’s periscope. I’m hoping to focus my limited work time more this month and create some amazing things!
This month we will be donating $.50 of every journal sold to A21. Their aim is to abolish human trafficking in the 21st century which is still very much alive. I remember when I first heard about this organization years ago. I was honestly shocked how prevalent this is in other countries as well as the US. Read more about A21 or donate directly here.
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