Goals are finally back!! The last few months my singular goal was to keep my food down and manage to keep a toddler alive. I am finally coming out of the fog and even though the nausea and exhaustion hasn’t completely worn off, I feel like superwoman with the little relief I have already gotten!
So here’s to a fresh start on some big goals for November:
1. Streamline and prepare for a busy holiday season. I am putting a LOT of effort into this one. Last year was crazy and I’m hoping being a bit more prepared will help. I’m working on making sure our checkout process is all correct, promo materials are ready, packaging supplies and journals are stocked and more. I’m also going to be taking some cues from my post on busy seasons to help me.
2. Prep for 2016 – products, calendar, promos, blogging, maternity leave. I’m hoping to spend some time looking at 2016 big picture goals. I obviously won’t be planning out every blog post or giveaway, but I want to put the big important things (like planning a new collection and a baby in May!!) on the calendar now so they don’t sneak up on me! 🙂 On that note, definitely leave a comment with any suggestions you may have for new products. We want to keep focused on products that will grow your prayer life specifically but are looking at adding journals for praying through adoption, a teen or grad prayer journal and more!
3. Be less of a grump towards Tyler. My sweet darling husband has put up with a beast the last few months. He’s cooked and done dishes pretty much exclusively and dealt with someone who just hasn’t been as joyful as usual. I feel like I need it on paper to make sure I am serving him more as my energy comes back and enjoying life with him!
4. Eat fruits and veggies first. I normally stay away from most processed foods, but I’ve gobbled up so much mac and cheese, granola bars, crackers and cereal but as I feel a little better I want to try to choose fruits and veggies if I can stomach it instead of just grabbing a nutri-grain bar because it’s easy.
5. Update personal and business expense. I won’t even tell you how long it’s been since I’ve done this but let’s just say I was still writing The Finishing School at the time. I hate not knowing how much we are spending and we have a ton of big goals for our savings next year so it’s time to buckle down!
6. Research potty training. Any tips? I’m kinda nervous but definitely want to do this before baby #2 comes!! 🙂
7. Order and do Suzanne Bowen prenatal workouts. I found out about Suzanne from Meghan Birt. I love following Meghan on insty because she is pregnant and educated in health so her posts are super inspiring! For my pregnancy with Vivi, we had a gym membership and I worked out several times a week. It really helped me feel great throughout my second and third trimesters so I want to make sure I’m spending time working out now that I have a bit more energy.
8. Focus on joy in the Lord and flood my mind with Scripture. The last few months have really felt like a wilderness spiritually. I know I need to get motivated and fill my mind with truth!! Any favorite verses I should meditate on?
9. Reread Anything notes and journal throughout month. This book impacted me in so many ways. I started using ones of my “A Guide to” Journals and titled it “anything” because I wanted to journey how the Lord spoke to me as I gave Him, well, anything. It’s been so sweet reading how much God did during that season and I’m excited to pick up where I left off journaling and keep allowing God to speak to me.
The last two months I totally dropped the ball in sharing our charities but we did pick two and though I’m just now getting around to it, we’re sending over donations today!
September was Tirzah International. This organization is one I’ve loved for a while. Our church sponsors tons of ladies who are educated to sew and start their own business in Burundi. As a women entrepreneur this has been very close to my heart to help women across the globe do the same.
October was the Seed Effect. They offer microloans, education and spiritual discipleship in impoverished communities. Our friend, Jenn Sprinkle from The Well Studio, went on a trip to South Sudan this summer. Jenn actually shared a podcast recorded while in South Sudan speaking with one of the women there whose life has been effected by the Seed Effect.
For November, we will be supporting Angel Tree! I wanted to do something looking forward to Christmas since we will send the donation the first of December. I also wanted it to be one that benefited the US since we’ve been partnering with mostly international organizations the last few months. Angel Tree provides gifts to children who have parents in prison. I have only recently seen the importance of giving what feels like just a Christmas gift. It reminds them that they are loved and not forgotten and not destined for the same future which is so important to changing the trajectory of their future!
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