A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


It’s a…

5.13.2013 • 3 Comments

Happy Monday Everyone!

Yesterday was a special day for the Metrejean-Woerner clan. This will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family. We got to find out altogether whether our little pecan was a boy or girl. I was so ready to put a little personality to our pecan. We call it “the kid” a decent amount which sounds so impersonal!

Well y’all!! In a spray of silly string, we found out we are having a little GIRL!!!

We are so excited! Her name is Vivienne Mae Woerner and we cannot wait to meet her!


Tyler and I talked on the way home how thankful we are that our two families not only get along, but enjoy each other so much!! The day was such a blessing!

It started out at Starbucks with silly string. We decided a few weeks ago it would be fun to reveal the gender with silly string because that’s how we left our wedding two and half years ago.

Since we wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, we thought it would be fun to have some random stranger help us with making sure the right can (pink or blue) was the one we’d use. We found Margaret and her son David enjoying a coffee date and explained to them our situation. They were slightly confused, but agreed. We hid around the corner while they opened our envelope and picked the right can of silly string. When we came back, Margaret introduced themselves and chatted us up about her family of three boys. She asked us when I was due and when I said October 5, she said that was her anniversary with her husband in 1959! She hugged me and told me how excited she was for us, two perfect strangers!! I was so blessed by them and so glad they were a part of this special occasion!

Then we headed to church and to the Woerner’s house to have some fun! Everyone had a can of silly string that was a neutral color except mine. The colors were sooo light, it was hard to tell immediately what color it was! You can actually see my reaction in one of these photos of when I think I see pink! I kept spraying a while longer to be sure!



I have to say thank you to my mom and Mrs. Tammi for sharing Mother’s Day with me yesterday! Tyler and I are two of the luckiest kids in the world to have two amazing moms!


I have learned so much from both of them!

A few ways I hope I’ll be like my mom in raising Vivi Mae:
1. Go to the Lord with everything and always have a verse to share in a crisis.
2. Teach Vivi well and allow her to make her own choices as she grows.

A few ways I hope I’ll be like Mrs. Tammi in raising Vivi Mae:
1. Be creative and create thoughtful moments for Vivi to always remember.
2. Have patience and peace from the Lord even if Vivi is curious like Tyler was growing up (and still is).

947136_4926911009864_927224902_n We were sooo lucky to have Seth’s girlfriend, Nicole there to capture everything!! I am so glad to have these pictures to look back on and remember fond memories! : ) Check out Nicole’s work here!!

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Comments (3)

Okay, so, is there an award for the cutest family ever? I mean the whole family. Ya’ll are all so much fun, so cute, so creative, and have so much fun together. Loved sharing this special moment with ya’ll through Val’s blog with pics! Vivi Mae is blessed to be born into such a family. Enjoy the anticipation of her arrival. I cannot imagine how you will celebrate her entrance into the world. I suppose more silly string! Love her name. So sweet! Congrats to all of you! Angel? ….what will your name be? MamaAng, pronounced awng? And what about Gervies? PapaG? Just thinking for you, jury still out on our names, the babies need to be able to talk to find out what they will actually call us, no matter what names are picked out!! I expect only very creative names for the two of you, have to be, will be mentioned in a beautifully written blog, so the names must follow suit. There is a standard to aspire to in your grandparent names! Congrats again, we are so excited for you all. So fun when our babies have babies, just wish ya’ll were having girl twins , for old time’s sake, and for Patrick’s twin boys to have twin girl friends from the same church! Maybe next time, Val…or maybe it skips a generation and you and your sister are home safe.

Precious hon, you got a tear of me. Thanks for the gift of a little girl. I’m excited about my new role as grandmother and watching you in your new role. Love you