A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


On the Podcast: Silence


What does it look like to get quiet before the Lord? How do we call it praying if we aren’t saying anything? And how do we practically practice silence and solitude? This is another one of our most loved topics and we think it’s because it’s honestly just really hard to figure out how to practically do this. That’s what we’re diving into this week! 

**Grabbed your copy of Val’s new book, Pray Confidently and Consistently? It’s now available from your favorite online retailer!**

EP. 13 – Sacred rest & prayer with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

On the Podcast: Silence by Valerie Woerner, prayer journal, women's ministry, prayer, refresh, meditation, how to make a prayer journal, praying for your kids, husband, prayer warrior, war room, Bible study, tools, prayer notebook, how to pray, prayer in a noisy world, silence, solitude, rest

In this episode, we talk to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, whose groundbreaking insight on the seven types of rest, changed many things for how Val saw rest. Today we discuss the importance of knowing what rest we need and how that could impact our prayer lives if we discover it! 

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a Board-Certified internal medicine physician, speaker, and author. She is an international wellness expert and has been featured featured in numerous media outlets including Prevention, MSNBC, Psychology Today, INC, and as a guest on Dr. Oz show. She is the author of numerous books including her latest book Sacred Rest where she shares ground-breaking insight on the seven types of rest needed to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, overcome burnout, and live your best life. 

IChooseMyBestLife.com | DrDaltonSmith.com

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EP. 14 – How to Practice Silence & Solitude

Why are these two words so important to our prayer life? In this episode we talk about the 3 reasons it’s hard to practice silence and solitude, 3 reasons why we should keep trying and 5 ways to practically do that!

Things mentioned in today’s episode: 

Helpful blog posts:

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EP. 15 – a prayer for stillness

What would happen if we prayed for stillness instead of filled every moment in prayer with our own words? A deep prayer life is so much more than requests to God. Practicing silence and solitude opens us up to an actual two-way relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

Here’s a simple and quick prayer to get you started. 

  • Reflect back to God why this time is important
  • Surrender what causes distractions
  • Share with the Lord why the quiet can feel scary

Loving the idea of guided prayers? Check out Springboard Prayers, our book of 125 pre-written prayers for different circumstances!

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Val’s new book on prayer is available now

Want a journal designed to help you focus in prayer? 

Try our monthly format designed to be filled out once at the beginning of the month really intentionally. Then you can pick up daily to pray over several things on your list! Check out our brand new linen journals in the shop now!

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