A moment, a day, a life transformed by prayer.

Asking Questions


2020 Life-Changers


2020 Life Changers by Valerie Woerner | Val Marie Paper, prayer, ministry, prayer, prayer warrior, books, reads, book list, tools, resources, lifeWelcome to our annual goal series! Each weekday from December 29 – January 7, we’ll have a new post about wrapping up 2020 and launching into 2021. Check back in each day for fresh motivation!

Today I wanted to share the life-changers for 2020. These are things both small and big that changed my year. 

1. Pause app

This app has truly helped me pause in really busy seasons. They have a 1-minute, 3-,5- and 10-minute length prayerful meditations. It’s helped me focus for God-glorifying work. It’s helped me fall asleep on nights when anxiety wanted to creep it. It’s helped me breathe more deeply and reorient a busy day to a posture of prayer when I struggled to slow down in my thoughts to pray.

2. Nature

Especially during quarantine, I experienced just how powerful it is to get in God’s creation. I’ve never felt more grateful to live where we live. We were able to take lots of walks, spend Sundays by the pond. Sit on the sidewalk talking to my parents or sister while they sat on their porch. I’m pretty sure we swam 

every day we could. 

3. Business Accelerator

I joined Michael Hyatt’s coaching program for business owners in July and it’s been such a good experience. Each Monday he does a Q&A taking questions from members and one question I was able to get feedback on saved me $50,000. Definitely a game changer for a very tough year for business. This is also who makes the planner I use which was on my list last year.

4. A breathable facemask

I was convinced my Histamine Intolerance made masks impossible. My sister-

in-law mentioned a mask she found at Costco that was super breathable. I tried it and I can sit through all of church without tugging at it!

5. Working with Diana

Ok, I had Diana on my list last year, but she really is someone who changes my life. When I was going through the book writing process for Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday, I hired her because I had horror stories of the book process and wanted to go through it really intentionally. I have continued to work with her because the investment has been so worth it. See a few things I learned from Diana here.

6. A multi-vitamin

I stopped taking a multi-vitamin years ago and restarted this year and saw a noticeable difference in my energy! I’m currently using Seeking Health

7. Table topics

After getting a sample as our prize in a Chik-fil-a kid’s meal, I loved it so much I bought the actual product. It’s an acrylic cube that has questions to ask. It sits on our table or counter and is a great way to engage in conversation with the girls and Tyler after a long day when conversations feel exhausting. Both girls LOVE it and are always asking “can we do questions??” It’s also really helpful for us to not talk over them but include them in what we’re talking about.

8. Workout for Women app

 I have not been able to work out as often at the gym and this help has helped me stay more consistent. Vana loves the fact they there are pictures to show you what to do so it’s an easy 7-10 minute workout that keeps me moving AND that I can do with Vana!

9. God, obviously 🙂

Nothing is possible without Him! See my post from a few days ago of many of the prayers He answered in 2020!

I would love to hear about the tools that helped you through 2020! Leave a comment below!

Signature Prayer Challenge
2020 Mistakes
2020 Answered Prayers
My 2020 Reads

COMING NEXT: My 2021 Goals

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