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12 Books in Quarter 1


12 Books in Quarter 1 by Valerie Woerner, books, growth, goals, prayerAs I’m starting to give updates on my goals each quarter, I’m also going to include the books I was able to read. (If you missed my quarter 1 goals update, click here.)

Thinner Leaner Stronger –  Michael Mathews

This is the book that got me weight-lifting. There’s a simple plan and lots of background info if you’re a beginner like me! 

Alive to God in Prayer – Donald E. Demaray  

This was another super practical book on prayer and really refreshing to read! I’m really getting into the old ones lately. 

Pray Consistently and Confidently – Valerie Woerner

For as many times as I’ve had to read this over the last few months, you better believe it was gonna make the list!!! 😜 I am soooo proud of this book. I don’t like saying that, but as I’ve read it back, and knowing our audience so well after 8 years of conversations, I feel really confident that this book could change your prayer life! Want to pre-order it? Grab it here! We’ll be announcing some fun pre-order bonuses soon!

Love On Its Knees – Dick Eastman

If you have our prayer journal, I really think you will love this book. It’s organized by praying for different topics, like world and family, etc. and gives lots of specifics for praying for each. If you feel stuck on what to include or how to go beyond the basic things you pray for, this will encourage you!

Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce – John Piper

This was super short Audible read I stumbled on about Wilberforce’s life. 

The Grumble-Free Year – Tricia Goyer 

I’ve been wanting to encourage the girls to whine less and am not really sure the best way to do this. I listened to the book which I’m glad I did. It’s more story-driven with tips throughout but was easy to stay engaged audibly because of the stories. 

The Power of When – Michael Breus 

I skimmed this book. It was ok and I’m not sure how scientific it actually is but it was an interesting read with when you should do things based on your sleep cycle. 12 Books in Quarter 1 by Valerie Woerner, books, growth, goals, prayer

Lord, Change Me – Evelyn Christenson

I’ve read a lot by Evelyn. This was fairly basic and not my favorite of hers but still encouraging for those who feel stuck and want to change. 

The Armor of God – Priscilla Shirer (Bible Study)

This isn’t necessarily a prayer Bible Study but focuses on the warfare that is so present with prayer. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a motivating while fairly light study. 

Help Me I’m a Hypochondriac! – Philip Martins

Short and funny. Loved hearing him describe things I’ve felt and made me feel less isolated in my feelings. Some helpful points but mostly just refreshing to not feel crazy. Could also be good for a loved one who doesn’t understand hypochondria to read. I highlighted things I’ve felt for Tyler to read. 

Your Future Self Will Thank You – Drew Dyck

Pretty solid book on self-control from a biblical perspective.  

The 4 Disciplines of Execution – Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

Very practical book for figuring out how to execute as a team. If you’ve read a lot about vision, or goals but aren’t sure where to go next, this was helpful. 

I’ll Have What She’s Having – Erin Carlson

If you are a fan of When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle or You’ve Got Mail OR just love a good behind the scenes of the film industry, this book is for you. The author compiles quotes and details for a full picture of each movie being created. 

The Four Tendencies – Gretchen Rubin

I’m all “typed” out I think. I used to love learning about personality stuff but maybe I’ve read too much? I’ve heard others find it helpful but I didn’t finish.

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