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12 books in ’22 Quarter 1

3.29.2022 • 2 Comments

12 books in '22 Quarter 1 by Valerie Woerner, books, reads, reading update, goals, habits, productivity, fasting, parentingThis quarter was a weird one for books! I barely read some weeks because of Covid and the flu and found it really hard to get back into reading because I watched sooooo much TV while in bed because my brain just couldn’t work. 

One thing I learned was just how much more TV makes it harder to read. I picked up some books that normally would have been no trouble to read and just didn’t comprehend them. I think part of it was the Covid fog but I’m convinced the overindulgence of TV affected me too. Why? Because as I committed to reading a book in 3 days (because I wanted to write about it for a blog post) I was able to read and focus better than I have in a long time! The sheer amount of time spent reading made it easier to keep reading. 

It reminded me of being in high school English and seeing how many pages I had to read in a few days or a week and seeing how long each page took, then planning my time as to how to make it happen. If I ever feel that unfocused, and too much screen time creeps in again, I’m gonna do a similar challenge and push through to focus!!

Ok, so here’s my list of what I read this quarter. If you see (A), it means I actually listened to, instead of read, on Audible.

Breaking the Mold – Dr. Jill Crista

If you think you have a mold issue in your home or have odd physical symptoms you think are mold-related, this is a great concise book on detoxing from mold. 

Toxic – Dr. Neil Nathan

This book was mentioned by nearly every mold expert I’ve seen online. This book is much more technical and a bit harder to read than Crista’s but still super helpful. 

Mold Money – Daniel Stih

A short book on making sure you don’t get taken advantage of in the mold remediation process. 😉  It can be a super costly and time-consuming process so I wanted to learn more so we do it right the first time and hire wisely. 

God’s Chosen Fast – Arthur Wallis

This was a pretty short and easy read on fasting with lots of good basic information. He focused more on longer fasts (like days or weeks) so if you’re just starting out, I’d probably recommend our blog post here and podcast episode on fasting here, or Ronnie Floyd’s book on fasting. If you have a copy of Pray Confidently and Consistently, there’s a whole chapter on it in there too! 

Fridge Love – Kristen Hong

Y’all loved when I shared a photo of my rainbow fridge years ago. The inspiration for it has come out with a book and it was great! She shares everything from getting the most out of your fridge life, increasing the life of your fruits and veggies so you throw away less, and tips for prep as well. I would have loved a few more pics but her instagram is chocked full of that if you want more! 

12 books in '22 Quarter 1 by Valerie Woerner, books, reads, reading update, goals, habits, productivity, fasting, parenting

The Comfortable Kitchen – Alex Snodgrass

This is a cookbook but I just had to share because this is the second cookbook I’ve bought from Snodgrass and I love it! She shares a good bit of gluten-free, dairy-free recipes that have been indispensable on my health journey. She has 4 soups in particular that I make in batch and freeze in individual portions for my lunches. 

Just Do Something – Kevin DeYoung (A)

I picked this book on a whim when I felt very overwhelmed by my tendency to search for the meaning in every little thing! I think being Spirit-led is important, but I often forget to balance it out with knowing that there are things God’s already clearly said in His Word to do. 

The Wisdom Pyramid – Brett McCracken 

I wrote a whole blog post on the wisdom pyramid that you can check out right here. If you struggle with content consumption and finding a healthy balance (aka less phone more Scripture) you’ll love his approach and finding new avenues of wisdom to explore.

The Flirtation Experiment – Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer

This is a 30-day challenge for wives to put the spark in our everyday with our husbands. I love Lisa and Phy so I figured I would enjoy the book, but I just love the creative ideas and reminders it gave me. So often I’d like to add more mystery into our 12 year-marriage but figuring out how is easier said than done. 

When I Relax, I Feel Guilty – Tim Hansel

If you beat yourself up for not accomplishing enough when you fall into bed, I think you’ll love this book! It’s old school and short, written from a Biblical perspective. 

Hold onto Your Kids – Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate (A)

This was a recommendation from Jefferson Bethke and has been such a good read. I’ll be sharing more thoughts in next week’s blog post actually! Basically, it’s all about the importance of attaching with our kids instead of them attaching primarily to peers. I didn’t agree with all the methods of attachment BUT learned so many vital things that are helping me as we parent two young girls who will one day be teens! 

Redeeming Your Time – Jordan Raynor (A)

This is a great book for anyone who wants super practical takes on productivity BUT from a Biblical perspective. I was so encouraged by it and loved listening to it on the way to work because it always put me in a motivated and eternal mindset.

Leave a comment and share what’s on your reading list! I love hearing y’alls recommendations!

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Comments (2)

This quarter I read less than I normally do, but I started reading “Boundaries with Kids” because of one of your book lists! THEN I started listening to the “Boundaries” book. In the last month, I’ve seen how my parenting has dramatically changed with my 3 and 5 year olds, and I’m so thankful. I also came across Evelyn Christenson’s “What Happens when Women Pray” for 50p at a used bookstore in the UK. I immediately grabbed it up because I’ve heard you quote her, and it was a great decision! I loved how short and clear it was + all of her stories of answered prayer. Now I’m coming back to reading “Pray Confidently & Consistently” again – it is worth a re-read every year!

For Better or For Kids with my Mom Squad and M is for Mama by myself. I used to read so much, but in this season of life, I’m doing good if I get 1 book a month read.